Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Life Lessons

This weekend, Madison experienced something that no one should have to experience- the unexpected death of a loved one.

While I was not personally close with the student who passed, many of my current kiddos, past kiddos, and coworkers were very closely connected to him. When they hurt, we all hurt.

I realize that in no way was this experience about me or my feelings, but I can say that going through this time of tragedy with our school family has taught me so much.

1. It reminded me why I teach. I teach because I love these kids. English is the subject that I "get," but I'm not here for the English- I'm here for the kids. In the grand scheme of things, English doesn't matter at all. My kids' lives do.

2. It reminded me that there is so much more to life than school- and certainly so much more than TESTING. I love that I work in a building that recognizes this fact. I guarantee you that NO ONE is analyzing our friend's test score. Rather, we remenisce about his character and friendship.

3. It reminded me that kids deserve our patience- This week we were reminded (and likely internally prodded) to extend more patience than normal to our kiddos. I found that when I consciously did this, our classroom time was more productive, and our relationships grew. I will strive to start every day with this mindset. We NEVER know what a student has experienced before entering our room. While we do need to be consistent with our management and consequences, every student deserves our best every day. So I'll be taking a breathe, counting to 10 (or 100) and addressing all of my kiddos as patiently and respectfully as possible.

Please extend thoughts and prayers to Madison teachers and students who will be attending the funeral tomorrow evening.

-Mrs. C

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