Saturday, November 2, 2013

...then I will go to Burger King

I realize it has been a while since my last post.  Apologies.  When Kyle said that we would have an extra hour today due to Daylight Savings Time ending, I knew I had to seize the opportunity.

I feel as if all I do is grade.  Grade grade grade.  It is getting out of hand.  When I am not grading, I am counting box tops, documenting negative student behavior, rewarding positive student behavior, emailing parents, calling parents, documenting parent contact, repairing books, attending meetings, making seating charts, pre-testing, post-testing, analyzing data, hounding students for late work, and - most importantly - consuming large amounts of Ramen noodles.  They don't teach you how to handle all of this in college.  Fortunately, I do know how to put together a bogus online portfolio (Am I right, Crystal?).

All this being said, I still love it!

I love grading tests and finding that my "D student" made an A.  I love calling parents and telling them how their child showed amazing character that day.  I love analyzing data and seeing the progress that a student has made.  I love spending a lunch period in classroom eating Ramen while helping a student with his history project.  It's a pretty great job!

Another thing that I enjoy is being able to let my kiddos be creative.  My Pre-AP classes recently created book covers that were supposed to showcase one specific genre or subgenre.  Whether they nailed it or were way off base, their pictures and creativity always make me smile.  Here are a few gems I received:

 I would not mind an alien invasion this adorable! Cute Sci-Fi for the win!

I think someone might read the Percy Jackson books.  Great example of a myth.

 This is just creative!  An informational text over his favorite sport.

 Of all of the animals to add wings to, she chose a giraffe.  They already have a height advantage...

 I had to google this next one.  I had no idea what a "dubstep launchpad" was.  Clearly, I am aging.  On another note, his question mark and magnifying glass were perfect images to portray the mystery.  Proud teacher here.

I have highlighted my favorite parts of this one. Sounds like an interesting fairy tale!

Even though they have drawn awesome pictures, I know that both of my brothers could draw better ones!  This is one of my personal favorites from Jonathan, that still hangs on my wall.

Goodnight everyone,
-Mrs. Combs

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