Monday, March 24, 2014

Dollar General is for Losers

Alas, Spring Break is over.  Even though I loved the time off, I can honestly say I was ready to go back.  I realize that you probably do not believe me, but it is true.  All I needed was a little time away to miss them- just like in any relationship.  It is healthy.  Very healthy.

Over the break ( it was the last two days of break) I made some changes to my classroom that I really like!  I have never felt like I really nailed the desk arrangement, but I think I have settled for the following setup- much like my mentor teacher from Keys. :)  The only thing I dislike about it, is that with my "larger" classes, I have to use the bottom left desk, which is basically in no-man's land.  So far I am using it to my advantage- I banished a student with a terrible attitude and another student who is a highly energetic talker.  Maybe someday I'll let them rejoin the tribe.  For now, however, it gives us all a little peace and quiet.

In addition to changing the seating chart, I also created a reading corner.  I had attempted this once before, but I never really committed.  I have MUCH work to do before it is complete/cute- right now it  is simply a bean bag, pillow, and a rug.  Either way, the kids think it is cool. I am hoping to use it as a positive motivator.  Focused readers get to hang out in the reading corner.  Hope it works!  On that note- if anyone is wanting to get rid of throw pillow or bean bags, I will take them off of your hands!  (Obviously color coordination is not one of my priorities.)

The next element that I added is not super neat or is just an assignment calendar.  I've been needing one for a while- not necessarily for the kiddos who are IN class- those are posted on the Promethean board- but for those who were absent.  "Did we do anything important yesterday, Mrs. Combs??"  

*Eye roll*  Of COURSE we did something important!  Even when I have their assignments gathered and placed in the "missing work" folders, they STILL ask me- most of them without ever checking the folder.  Hopefully if they see the calendar plus the assignments, I will receive few questions that drive me insane.  That is the goal.  Less insanity.

This bulletin board is definitely my most functional board.  Objectives, missing work, calendar, creed- they all fit.  The two strips that are circled in green are my magnificent Spring Break find!  I discovered these little dry erase guys at Dollar General for less than a dollar a piece.  I teach two levels of Language Arts, so this works perfectly and does not take up much room.  

Oh yes.  Apparently shopping at Dollar General is looked down on by some students.  I had no idea it was uncool to do before today.  I tend to go off on wild thought trails with my 4th hour, and when I mentioned that I had found them at DG, I was instantly ridiculed by a young man who scrunched his face up as if DG was beneath him.  Every day I get a little less cool.  Sigh.  At least I have a lot to lose.

I digress.  Back to classroom changes.  One of the biggest changes that I made was a change in procedures.  Until today, students would come in, grab their bell work notebook, and complete a short assignment.  After taking roll and drinking more coffee, I would walk around and give each student a mark IF they completed the work and worked silently.  After a week or seven, I would take up the notebooks and give them a grade based on the number of marks they received.  This worked really well and allowed us to refresh certain objectives.

Recently, however, I found out that some of my kiddos were not reading a book independently at all!  I spoke with my counterpart, and she suggested having each class read at the beginning of each hour.  Now, every student is already supposed to read during the first 15 minutes of the day.  We call this time MIRP.  Unfortunately, not all MIRPERS have ben MIRPING correctly.  I imagine that some of them sleep through it.  As a result, we are ditching our bell work notebooks and adding another 10-15 minutes of independent reading.


With our old bell work routine, kids were required to grab their book and then put it away after they got a mark.  I would wager that I have said "Put your bell work notebooks up quuiieetttlllly" at least 17,803 times.  (That may not be an exaggeration.  I would say three times per class per day was the norm.)   Now that we are reading, however, the kids no longer have to get up all at once, which eliminates so much talking and rowdiness.   Also, the reading calms them down, which allows us to start class positively.  Of course I have a grading system in place and have to monitor them, but it is honestly one of the best changes I have made.  At the end of the week, students who were not reading at all will have read over an hour, and my last nerve is still intact.

I believe I have rambled enough for one day.  This week is our second dress-up week, and I am determined to be the most Hawaiiany Hawaiian at school tomorrow.

Aloha `auinala (Good late-afternoon)

-Mrs. Combs

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