Friday, June 27, 2014

You hear that? It's the winds of change.

I remember recently asserting that last year was my rookie year, and this next year I will be perfect.  I've made all my mistakes, and I know exactly what I'm doing now.  I regret to inform you that this is no longer true. Things are changing.


The way our department is set up, sixth grade has had 2 Language Arts (reading) teachers and 2 English (writing) teachers.  We were separated into teams- 1 LA teacher and 1 English teacher both had the same set of kids for an hour each.  This system worked, but not as great as it could have.  Reading and writing are difficult to separate because one leads to the other.  Reading teachers needed to be on track with their English partners, and also be on track with the other reading teacher.  If we had been completely in sync with our partners, it would have been fantastic...but that that didn't always happen.  Part of that is due to the fact that our 6th grade English staff was completely new (with me being EXTRA new :).  

This upcoming year, things will be different.  Instead of teaching just one subject, we are all going to teach both subjects.  For example, I will have one set of kids for an hour, they will take a break, then come right back to me for the second session. Repeat.  This is what my schedule could look like:

1st- Reading (group 1)  
2nd- Writing (group 1)

3rd- Reading (group 2)
4th- Writing (group 2)

5th- Writing (group 3)     

6th- Plan
7th- Guided Study

The only thing that won't be completely smooth about this transition is that because of our 7 hour schedule, and electives being at the end of the day, we will have to separate one group.  The highlighted 5th hour will have to have reading with my team partner at some point during the day.  It is not ideal, but it is doable!  Fortunately my team partner and I work very well together.  We are the most in-sync-est team in the building, so I know it will work! :)

Of course, there is one aspect of this new situation that scares the livin' liver out of me.  What is that situation?  Oh, it's "Johnny."  You know Johnny- he's the one who is ALWAYS in trouble, and is most often discussed in the teacher's lounge.  He blurts out, tattles, and calls people names.  Every class has a Johnny.  With this new setup, I will get Johnny for two hours in a row.  Usually by the time class is over, I'm ready to pull my hair out (assuming he hasn't made it to the office).  Basically, I'm worried about potential hair loss this year. 

On the upside, I will have fewer students , and those students I will get to know REALLY well.  If class sizes remain the same, I could deal with as few as 60 kids, versus 90-100. Of course, that could all change too.  

Here's to using my degree like it was supposed be used- ENGLISH! :)

-Mrs. C

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